Matt and Michael started making beef jerky for family and friends in 2016 as a hobby. After tons of positive feedback, it promoted the idea of making this more than a hobby and brought us to where we are today.

Focusing on quality products, Melbourne Jerky uses only MSA grade meats. Meat Standards Australia (MSA) is a grading system developed to improve the supply of consistently high-quality meat to the beef consumer. MSA is a 'tenderness guaranteed' grading program that grades beef based on eating quality. The MSA system grades each muscle (cut) on eating quality, with regards to tenderness, juiciness, flavour and overall liking.
Our mission is to provide a quality product to children, adults and families in the hopes that they will move away from nasty snacks to a wholesome nutritional snack alternative. A feel-good snack designed for good times and good health.
We're also thinking big, with dreams to become not just a household name in Australia, but a globally know brand, ensuring we reach this ambitious goal using only sustainable meat and ingredient supply.

Try our jerky today

Sampler Pack
50g pack of each of the following to try - Jalapeno, Pizza & Texan Honey